Calorie calculator for recipes
Calorie calculator for recipes

A common doubt that arises is, how do you calculate the nutritional information of a recipe. Some purportedly low-fat foods or fat-free foods can also contain a high-calorie load due to excessive sugar content.Ĭarbohydrate-rich and protein-rich foods also contain a certain quantum of calories. This is especially true if the fats are derived from dishes like potato chips or junk food, which provide a high number of calories and very negligible minerals or vitamins. While a certain amount of essential fats is necessary to protect your internal organs, excessive fat can lead to several health complications. Plus, when you consume more calories than the body requires, the excess gets stored as body fat, thus leading to an unhealthy increase in weight. However, while protein and carbohydrates give 4 calories per gram, fats give 9 calories per gram.

calorie calculator for recipes

The human body derives calories from protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Lack of proper nutrition in terms of quantity and quality leads to low-calorie count which in turn causes us to feel fatigued and lose lean muscle mass. Our body requires a certain number of calories to carry out its regular functions properly. An oft-used term for food, nutrition, and weight, a calorie is the unit of energy that gets released from the food we consume.

calorie calculator for recipes

To understand how calorie calculators work, first let us understand what exactly are ‘calories’.

Calorie calculator for recipes