The bounty hunter’s massive leap and stab with her melee weapon is great fun, as is the pigman’s charge and stomp. The game is primarily a shooter at first, though you’ll be able to gain access to abilities suited for each protagonist during their playthroughs. The accessibility options are fantastic overall, and for those who want a real challenge, Nightmare mode lives up to its name. You can make things nice and easy both difficulty and controls-wise as well. They do a great job of balancing the difficulty, and normal is a solid mix of tough fights that never led me to frustration. You can go anywhere and die a horrible death in one hit if you so please. Nothing is off-limits exploration-wise, though certain story areas are gated through keys or mainline progress. Through a mix of rather forgiving stealth and twin-stick action, you’ll work your way through a story that is easy to mainline if you so please or can last many dozens of hours if you want to search every nook and cranny in the game world. This player agency is a hallmark of the immersive sim genre, and it helps this game in a big way.

One shady character I helped thinking I had no other choice was double-crossed in another’s playthrough using a method I simply hadn’t thought of. Through the use of procedural generation and allowing of player choice my playthrough has been markedly different than that of others I’ve talked to during the review period. The map is large, and I’d suggest saving up the money to buy a horse asap as it helps you avoid some of the nastier random encounters.

It is generous enough here though, as well as being tied mainly to side quests/bounty hunts so that I never grew to hate it. That time-of-day system plays into a timer mechanic which I generally hate in video games.
This is an American West full of horrors and using a day/night cycle areas can change dramatically depending on the time of day you visit them. Sound effects for enemy screams are haunting, and the writing, in general, is excellent. The main voice acting is the narrator who is both written and acted well. This matters in how you’re treated within towns, by folks you meet out on the trail, and repeated hostile actions can lead to bounties being put on your godforsaken head. Honorable actions will add to your reputation and dishonorable chip away from it. I wish I could go into more detail but once you see what I mean I think you’ll appreciate it all that much more for having experienced it with no knowledge going in. The influence each one has on the next is fantastic as well. I’ll keep things as spoiler-free as I can, like always, but I do have to say just how effective the beginning of each journey was for me. This game is full of small touches like that, and it helps sell that you are a major part of this living world. Shovels are oddly important, as burying those you leave behind can be key. First, you find a shovel and dig up your old gun, being forced back into a life you thought was left behind for good. The bounty hunter journey is up first, and after your world gets turned upside down the tutorial smartly teaches you the dense amount of game mechanics. It’s all coming day one to Game Pass and I’ll explain why this one is worth your time. The gameplay is sharp, the story is engrossing, and the music is excellent. This is an immersive sim that rewards your cunning and punishes your cruelty. Set in a fantastical version of the American Wild West you’ll take control of multiple, quite different characters throughout multiple journeys. Weird West is the first game from new developer WolfEye Studios.