If you want something fancier, here’s another example. Ti/Vi ( ti for singular, vi for plural) auguro Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Now let’s put together what we’ve seen so far to write a sample Christmas card so you can wish your loved ones Merry Christmas in Italian.Ĭaro/a/i/e (Dear – o for male singular, a for female singular, i for plural, e for female plural) – name -, You could also use related expressions, such as, Auguri per un felice 2021– Best wishes for a happy 2021, or Auguri di buon anno, best wishes for a good new year. Le auguro un felice anno nuovo, vi auguro un felice anno nuovo. You use ‘ ti’ if you’re talking/writing to one person you know well, ‘ le’ if you’re writing to one person you don’t know very well or have a formal relationship with, and ‘ vi’ if you’re writing to a group of people, say a family. Happy New Year is Felice Anno Nuovo, as in Ti auguro un felice anno nuovo (I wish you a Happy New Year).
So now you have a few options for how to say Merry Christmas in Italian, but what about the ‘Happy New Year’ part? If you want to be fancy and try a slightly longer phrase (why not?!), you could say: Ti auguro un Natale pieno di amore, pace e gioia sincera, My best wishes for a Christmas filled with love, peace and sincere joy. For example, if you’re sending a card to someone in Italy, you could write: “ Auguro a te (or ‘ lei’ if you don’t know the person well) e alla tua (‘ sua’ if using lei) famiglia un sereno Natale e un felice anno nuovo (I wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year). Slightly more formal, used in writing rather than in person: Auguri di un Natale sereno (best wishes for a peaceful Christmas). You could also say, tanti auguri di buone feste, best wishes for a happy holiday season. However, there are other expressions that are used as well.īuone Feste corresponds to the English Happy Holidays and implies best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Ti auguro Buon Natale, I wish you a Merry Christmas. The most common and direct way to say Merry Christmas in Italian is Buon Natale. Happy learning! How to Say Merry Christmas in Italian

So take pen and paper and write down the following holiday-related phrases in Italian to practice before Natale. With the holidays around the corner, it’s important for all of you Italophiles to know how to say Merry Christmas in Italian: perhaps you’re planning to send a few Christmas cards to your family and friends in Italy, or perhaps you want to impress your Christmas dinner guests with a few Italian phrases…whatever the reason, Italian is a beautiful language (to hear and to speak) and that reason alone should suffice 🙂